Booked a mid-size SUV for 4 days from dec 31st to jan 4 2025. A very gd experience with this car rental. Sent me Japan basic traffic signs pdf before hand through watsapp and explain to me the toll highway usage.
Arrived in the late evening around 8pm where most if not all the major car rentals website were not able to book after 7 or 8pm. All car rentals are not based in Naha airport but at close proximity shops. So pick up from the airport to the car rental shop is a hassle if the instructions or communications are not good up front. I am impressed by the staff (井上)as he sent me watsapp instructions and video on how to navigate from the international arrival terminal to the pick up pt in english and could communicate in chinese as well. He also helped to set up my Apple Car play. This is 1 of the closest car rental from the airport and though the size of the rental shop is not big compare with the bigger brands, the car they gave me was relatively new corolla cross and thus have all the safety electronic features, like reverse camera, full laser sensors and apple car play.
Because communications are through watsapp, it makes it more personal and follow up is indeed quicker throughout the rental period.
Sapphira Dai
Very communicative and gave signs for how to drive using the right side driver side. Good experience. Also showed all scratched on car before we left!
超讚👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 車況良好,員工們態度友善, 可中文溝通.還有接送服務 第一次自駕自由行 旅行前用Line接洽租車事宜 有任何問題都會立即回覆 出發前也會主動提醒我們要注意的事項 叮嚀應該攜帶的東西! 全程中文溝通無障礙! 第一次自駕遇到這麼棒的租車公司讓我們對未來自駕旅遊充滿信心! 感謝沖繩行腳讓我們有愉快的租車經驗!
Booked a mid-size SUV for 4 days from dec 31st to jan 4 2025. A very gd experience with this car rental. Sent me Japan basic traffic signs pdf before hand through watsapp and explain to me the toll highway usage. Arrived in the late evening around 8pm where most if not all the major car rentals website were not able to book after 7 or 8pm. All car rentals are not based in Naha airport but at close proximity shops. So pick up from the airport to the car rental shop is a hassle if the instructions or communications are not good up front. I am impressed by the staff (井上)as he sent me watsapp instructions and video on how to navigate from the international arrival terminal to the pick up pt in english and could communicate in chinese as well. He also helped to set up my Apple Car play. This is 1 of the closest car rental from the airport and though the size of the rental shop is not big compare with the bigger brands, the car they gave me was relatively new corolla cross and thus have all the safety electronic features, like reverse camera, full laser sensors and apple car play. Because communications are through watsapp, it makes it more personal and follow up is indeed quicker throughout the rental period.
Very communicative and gave signs for how to drive using the right side driver side. Good experience. Also showed all scratched on car before we left!
大推沖繩行腳租車,服務人員都會說中文,不用擔心語言不通,隨時有問題都可以line詢問,回覆超快速,服務人員都非常nice 這次遇到行李箱被摔破,租車公司也協助處理要丟棄的行李箱,非常感謝,服務真的非常棒 以後到沖繩唯一選擇的租車公司😍😍😍
租了兩天車(四人座小型車,無行李),後車廂位置小,但對不需要載行李箱的我們是足夠的。在台灣就先用line聯繫,中文可以(老闆是台灣人),選了高級全險,13400日圓,先線上付了小部分金額,抵達時再付尾款很方便。爬了不同租車行評價,知道取車要先錄影車子外觀,排除毀損刮傷等。抵達時工作人員也有主動說可以錄影,而且還車時真的很快大約6秒審視外觀沒問題就立馬派車接送我們到小祿地鐵站。 接送:可到機場或小祿地鐵站接送到取車處,我們是第二天才租車。但建議可以第一天就租車,沖繩開車停車都還蠻方便的,停車場只要不是熱門旺季,一些熱門景點都還蠻方便停車的。 租車記得先在台灣監理站申請駕照的日文譯本,同時攜帶護照及駕照正本前往租車(注意譯文中的住址是否和駕照相同)。 還車前需先在鄰近加油站加滿油,還車時工作人員會看收據上的加油時間以及是否加滿。
車況佳,中文可通 取車與還車會到機場接送 服務人員都很好👍🏻👍🏻
車況很新也很好開! 還可以機場接駁或送到最近的電車站 服務周到又方便 推薦大家來租車~